Senin, 14 November 2011

kerjaan akhir-akhir ini

ngh akhir-akhir ini aku sering nggalau *ea. dan pelampiasanku itu selalu ke tumblr. iya. TUMBLR
beberapa galauanku akhir-akhir ini -___-
nyehehe ^^ 

nggualau pol ini ._.

 motivasi diri -_-"

suka menara eiffelnya ._.v 

this :)

masih banyak sih sebenernya. gak mungkin aku post semua disini yak -___-
yah beginilah kerjaanku. hampir tiap hari --

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

jadi mbayangin XENOSAGA

ini aku ambil dari lagunya Demi Lovato-The Gift of A Friend

Sometimes you think you’ll be fine by yourself
Cause a dream is a wish that you make all alone
It’s easy to feel like you don’t need help
But it’s harder to walk on your own
You’ll change inside
When you realize

The world comes to life
And everything’s right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are
When you open your heart
And believe in
The gift of a friend
The gift of a friend

Someone who knows when you’re lost and you’re scared
There through the highs and the lows
Someone to count on, someone who cares
Beside you wherever you go
You’ll change inside
When you realize

The world comes to life
And everything’s right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are
When you open your heart
And believe in
The gift of a friend

And when your hope crashed down
Shattering to the ground
You, you feel all alone
When you don’t know which way to go
And there’s no signs leading you home
You’re not alone

The world comes to life
And everything’s right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are
When you open your heart
And believe in
When you believe in
When you believe in
The gift of a friend

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

curcol iseng :)

hai hai ..
udah lama gak buka blog. dulu waktu buat blog ini aku masih smp eh gak taunya sekarang aku udah sma :)
ohya sekarang aku sekolah di smala loh (alhamdulillah!)

beda banget rasanya jaman smp sama jaman sma. rasanya sma itu lebih gimanaaaa gitu. aku ngerasa jadi lebih dewasa gitu (woss). tapi emang bener kayak gitu kok :)

eh iya sekarang aku kelasnya di X9 loh dan so pasti di gen 9 alias Lasso....

mbak mas lasso itu asik-asik. jadi gak sabar bakal ada pengalaman apalagi nih di LASSO :)